Welcome To My Twisted Mind

Hello... welcome to my webpage. I'm here mostly to message my bestie and get annoyed by her loser friends. You can see their profiles above. z_z

I'm looking to talk to other dusker fans since my school shut down my dusk club (FCK YOU V.P. STERN) Also looking for other REAL VAMPIRES to chat with. The counsil were I live is SO FCKING LAME and sucks at throwing partiez. So HMU if ur down 2 get down.

I also like making gifs and webgraphics for my fav shows (dusk, blood sucker diaries, and the like). Keep scrolling 2 see them or whatever.

📌 Pinned PostOver 30 Days Ago

GOOODDD I would have treated her righttttt. Rochelle please drop him, you deserve better!!! Anyways. Gif request from @Sarrahh, Rochelle gifs 2 help us cope w/ the musical fucking bombing ☹

45 people liked this | 5 comments
Comment Section
R0RY: SICK gifs. Can you please gif Doug Falcon Hawk Next?
↳ Erica286: NO! GTFO!!!
Sarraah: OMGG THANK YOU these gifs look amazing her flannels were so iconic!!
↳ Erica286: OFC, anything for u babe ♥
DuskerFan666: Awesome gifs.
Status Update:1 Day Ago

Guys everyone just fucked died in an explosion

2 people liked this | 3 comments
Comment Section
R0RY: literally wtf.
↳ EmmortalOne802: You want to log off and make me a sandwich.
↳ R0RY: I will make you a sandwich...
Image Post:7 Days Ago

I still cant believe he went to the NEWS about this ashjdhsdjkfas

4 people liked this | 2 comments
Comment Section
↳ Erica286 : Dumb ass didnt even CHECK!!